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Monday, December 6, 2010

108. Death Is but a Door. Time Is but a Window ...

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I am very, very tired of the advertised so-called death of any superhero. Comic book companies always state that it's not a dream, not a hoax and, of course, things will never be the same. Usually, the story is lack-luster and is just a set up to bring back the character later with an even weaker resurrection. Superman, Thor, Batman, Captain America, Green Lantern, etc., etc. all die and come back. What is the point of doing this cliche? Now when I read a comic book solicit saying that someone is dying, I don't care at all. It has actually stopped me from reading comics that I used to follow. Keep your death gimmicks with the holofoil covers and unknown children that have been popping up. Instead, give me something worth reading or kill someone and keep them dead for good.

My rant is done and Trevor's death is the result. While, the main motive for the comic was showing how bad deaths in a comic usually are, I also wanted to change Lara's name to Abie because of some confusion of some fans and my friend Abe, who he is modeled after, hating the hell out of it. Regardless, we say farewell to Trevor, since he will stay dead forever. OR WILL HE!?!


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